· news · 2 min read


📄 The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report last week, “Additional Oversight of Remote Patient Monitoring in Medicare Is Needed” inflamed many, some of whom demanded immediate retraction.

The OIG found that RPM needs additional oversight to ensure that it is being used and billed appropriately. The OIG’s three main concerns were:

🔎 About 43% of enrollees who received RPM did not receive all three components [device education and setup, device supply and treatment management services], which raised questions about whether the monitoring is being used as intended. 

🔎 OIG and CMS are concerned about RPM fraud.

🔎 OIG pointed out that “Medicare lacks key information for oversight, including who ordered the monitoring for the enrollee.”

Vironix Health already performs what the OIG recommends to CMS to strengthen RPM:

  • Vironix Health’s platform is built to check RPM activity for appropriate billing in Medicare. For new patients, our customers bill for the three service components under question because we document device education and setup, device supply, and treatment management services.
  • Vironix Health documents the provider ordering RPM for inclusion in all submitted claims. Our platform captures every RPM minute for reporting.
  • Vironix Health identifies exactly what health data we monitor, such as blood pressure, weight, blood glucose levels, or oxygen saturation (“pulse ox”).
  • Vironix Health up-to-date on best practices for RPM billing.
  • Vironix Health works closely with our customers’ RPM billers.

Vironix Health is the right RPM partner now that achieves OIG requirements on a daily basis with your patients.

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